Tess turtle's Profile

Tess turtle
Joined on Aug 9, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Tess turtle's Recent Posts
"( also it's puppet )"
"Hi misty can I be your apprentice please?)"
"Artemis nodded walking of after her ."
"Hi , MIDDLE EARTH FOR THE WIN , ALONG WITH HOGWARTZ BOOM! ( to lazy to log out of my sisters account )"
"Here's the skeleton: First name: Ronald " Ronnie " Ramirez Age:(range of 19-24) four years old Appearance: pale white"
"When S_E gets back I'm still waiting for her reply on wattpad)"
"She put her left hand to his forehead and started sending dream waves into his mind usualy she would use a nightmare wave to shock him awake..."
"It's cuase I'm nine car-ot ( seriously stop calling me that ) you looked like me but iwth Amber yees and darker hair when you were nine..."
"No Cant do that I may be scottish but I can't kill my own classmates that would lead the straight ot me or turtke )( maybe I should get her ..."
"Stranger danger ( STRANGER DANGER)"
"( thanks my little turtle couldn't sleep becuase I woke her up ( sorry tess ) so we are now on her new account on my ipad ) "
"So just going to wiat until paige comes back? ( You know me so well)"
"Hello care may we come in ( We being me ( your sister ) with her turtle sister )"
"Bye paige ( NUUUUUUUU BYE PAIGE ) Drama melonie ( Yep )"
"( I'm fighting with a nine year old over Pietro what the f--- ) What does f--- mean?"
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