Teen_muscle's Profile

Joined on Apr 23, 2015
Status Level: Experienced
Teen_muscle's Quizzes
- How well do you know bodybuilding?[published: Dec 30, 2015]
There are many people who think they know a lot about lifting. But only a few REALLY know a……
- Teen_muscle's shoutouts[published: Aug 01, 2015, 2 comments]
I wanted to make a shoutout to all my fellow GTQ users! If you were left out it means I forgot or I've……
- Are you athletic[published: Apr 23, 2015]
So, me and my cousin, aka Musclewerewolf, were talking and she got me to make this quiz. We are probably gonna……
Teen_muscle's Recent Posts
"anyway whats up with yall"
"i see you followed me"
"ayy whats your username m8"
"beep beep lettuce"
"its DasherTM and yes i know who even uses google plus"
"Do you want to RP or what"
Teen_muscle's Recent Quiz Comments
"what mythacle creatcher are you?
Your Result: you are a werewolf! 80%you love the night and outdoors, and would never leave…"
1 -
"Put me in here"
1 -
"You missed me"
1 -
"You have a 75% chance of me dating you. 75%
Good going, you got 75%. While it doesn't guarantee that I would date you, you do…"
2 -
"You are 96% werewolf!!! 96%
Ok you are a clean-cut werewolf, now you should take my upcoming What kind of Werewolf Are You…"
1 -
"Are you a girlie girl or a butch bruiser.
Your Result: Tomboy all the way! 89%Your not into make-up or dresses, just ain't…"
1 -
you know 58% bout me !!! 58%You know most things about me but not all nice job if you got this . I probably know you but…"
1 -
"have been calculated and are presented below:
You 100% Got All Right!
100%85% to 100% you know all the right answer…"
1 -
You told us what you do which officially makes you drumroll please A TOMBOY !!!! So, Mister, not so tough now! Ha-ha-ha! (Um,…"
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"Could you add me?"