Teegan's Profile

Joined on Sep 3, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
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Teegan's Recent Posts
"Aww, sorry peoples, but I have to go. Talk to you guys later!"
"Aww, I love kitties! I work at the Humane Society. *pets kitty*"
"dudes, i'm Sisi XDDD "
"Hello people. I'm Teegan. Whats your name?"
"oops, wrong account XD"
"heeeeeeeeeeey! big entry"
"Bye everyone. I have to go to. "
"It's okay, it was just a small paegaent. Its because of Hurricane Earl. They are evacuating us now."
"I'm so sad, My paegaent's been cancelled. (doesn't mean I still can't be teegan XD)"
"ILM, realism if for people who are too shallow to dream. You welcome though. I have to go now, got to get ready for my beauty"
"Then you have to go back self-acceptance to being cocky. Tell yourself you can have the best grades in your class, that your book will be on..."
":D But there's no need to be mean back. You can't drive darkness out with more darkness."
"ILM, you have to learn self-acceptance. I'm sure your very beautiful, but you just haven't seen that yet."
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