Techn0blade's Profile


Joined on Apr 28, 2022
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Techn0blade's Quizzes

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Techn0blade's Recent Posts

  • Casa Del Fuego
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold took it, putting a little slice of it in the bottom of the pan. "What do we wanna do about this whole thing? The trip or whatever?"..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    ""Could you grab the butter, Uncle Skeppy? Then we can talk about going after Lem." Gold said quietly, leaning against the counter."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold's smile faded and he went to grab a pan. He set it on the stove and thought for a minute. "What if we season the steak with garlic and ..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold nodded, sliding off the counter. He went over to Skeppy and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, I wanna cook with you!! Teach you to cook!" He ma..."
  • Where The Spirit Falls
    "That he was. Yeah. Babysat, but got to hang out with friends yesterday."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold shrugged, nervously fidgetting. "Uh, we have stuff to make some rolls. I could do that and maybe... maybe corn?" Bad nodde"
  • Where The Spirit Falls
    "I just have a good friend I roleply with and they're only ever in the stage. Dream SMP fan in general. I was just playing skywa"
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "(f**k, sorry! about going to Kinoko to talk to Lem. i'm sorry, my brain is working faster than i type) Gold sighed gently, back"
  • Where The Spirit Falls
    "Oh, it's nothing to me! I'm usually always active, but hide myself in the stage. I have been good. Kinda. Busy and not ready fo"
  • Casa Del Fuego
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Lem frowned. “What’s wrong with that, Sapnap? And don’t think of lying. I saw you hesitate. If you have a problem, say it.” Kar"
  • "Minecraft, Undertale and GTA 5"
  • Fire in the Dark
    "Why?!? Why???? I hate these feelings. I hate them. I’m know they hate me. My irl friends are all strange. I know I’ll be made f"
  • My Friend's Safe Space
    "Oh god…. So damn low, yet faking happiness so my mom won’t question me. Lost my therapist and I need more meds soon…. "

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