TealTiger's Profile
Joined on Sep 23, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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11-Year Club
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TealTiger's Recent Posts
"The pilot just came out last night, I just watched it a couple minutes ago, and I have a feeling this will be a very good series, as long as..."
"Sick and lonely.."
"Still feeling sick, my girlfriend already left and I'm lonely. Yay."
"I still don't understand, but at least you cancelled. Or it might just be rescheduled for a later date."
"Wait, what? When?"
"It's not beautiful, it's just being polite."
"Yeah. It's just become a habit now. Also saying jegus instead of Jesus, though some people could view that as rude."
"Bye, Jill."
"Oh. Okay. Well, it's nicer to say gosh and shiz, so yeah."
"Oh jeez. It's only 6:22 here."
"Oh, that's bad.. How? I even said 'oh my gosh' instead of omigosh, which is what I usually say."
"Then take a nap. I took a nap earlier."
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