Tamotsu's Profile


Joined on Feb 19, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Tamotsu's Quizzes

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Tamotsu's Recent Posts

  • Oh my!
    "Just ask and I'll tell you guys."
  • Oh my!
    "Oh. Well. Nah, then. You should not care. Actually... To tell the truth, my first account is not known much so, eh."
  • Oh my!
    "Well... The first account was adored for his well mannered being.... Yes, you SHOULD care. :)"
  • Oh my!
    "I have a first account other than Tamotsu, you know! 2014 user... Level? Junior. That's all I'll give. *Shrug*"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "I've gotta get going, now. Bye bye guys! I'll be back soon."
  • The Blaze Manor
    "You're welcome. Yup yup."
  • The Blaze Manor
    "*Kisses your head and goes to dry you off* Hey, no... Don't bite her please. Yeah, it's werd. *"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "Hey, EllO!"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "*Judges you*"
  • The Blaze Manor
    ":) I see. *chuckles* *Pets you as I continue cleaning your fur.* Such pretty fur, darling. It's"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "*I smile* So... How are you liking my Manor? Does it suit you fancy? *I continue petting*"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "Alright. Bye bye. Yeah. *I pet your head and smile*"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "I am great, you? Welp."
  • The Blaze Manor
    "Yes, you may. You're welcome!"
  • The Blaze Manor
    "Ok. *I grab some wash cloths and work on washing your fur.* Neat. It's okay, SG. :) "

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