Sync The Tempest's Profile
Sync The Tempest
Joined on Feb 27, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Sync The Tempest's Recent Posts
"Sync the Tempest Tales of the Abyss"
"I'm not being negative. I'm being honest."
"My mind and thoughts are worthless as well, so it doesn't really matter. It does when they have no use for me."
"I can't do that. Besides, I prefer older clothes because they're more comfortable as they've been worn more."
"Life doesn't matter. Because it's the truth. I'm just a worthless replica, I can easily be replaced."
"Same here.x3"
"No. I'm saying I don't matter."
"Still more money than me, though. I'm never able to splurge on new clothes. I go to second hand stores."
"Fun is for people who matter."
"So you have quite a bit of money if you can do all that."
"Of course. Next time I just won't come on."
"We never have money for that stuff.xD"
"I buy my shoes from Shoe Carnival and they always have some form of sale."
"I bought converses for $30 before._."
"Maybe. But next time I won't be so easily beaten. :P"
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