Sws 2212277's Profile

Sws 2212277
Joined on Dec 16, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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Sws 2212277's Recent Quiz Comments
Your Result: Obease 87%OH MY GODDDDD YOUR HUGE!!! Beautifully humongous!! Your probably rests on your thighs, when your…"
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Your Result: Morbidly Obese 93%Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a…"
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"96%! 96%
OM G, what do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not…"
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91%You will be obese! *worry* Being obese is very unhealthy. Yes, this is dangerous. Too much fat increases your risk…"
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"Overweight 91%
resultYou will have some extra pounds packed on. This isn't much of a bad thing, but it can damage your heart…"
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"Definetly Yes 90%
You obviously dont know how to cointrol yourself or you eating habits. maaybe you should do like push ups in…"
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"Morbidly Obese 95%
Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You…"