Swiftyfan's Profile

Joined on Nov 16, 2011
Status Level: Novice
Swiftyfan's Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know Sparks Fly?[published: Jul 22, 2012]
How well do you know the lyrics to sparks fly by Taylor Swift? This quiz is awful and I just……
- How Well Do You Know Mine?[published: Dec 29, 2011, 1 comment]
Yet again, mostly making these to level up. So each quiz is gonna be for the lyrics of one song. I……
- How Well Do You Know Ours?[published: Dec 29, 2011]
Hi! I know most people do music quizzes for one album, or one artist, etc, etc. But I want to level……
- Don't take this quiz![published: Nov 28, 2011, 3 comments]
Hey, I made this quiz because I got super bored and I wanted to level up. Feel free to continue taking the……
Swiftyfan's Recent Posts
"On it. ^~^ Wait, I'm a novice. ._. Oh Teresa's here. ^~^ hang on."
"They're just excited. And plus what did you expect? Most people here aren't that patient."
"Wait, so what are Ter and I supposed to do?"
"Forever alone~"
"Oh. I know Hunter. ^.^ Hunterishere isn't one of his accounts. :/ Oh she told me about him. From what she said he left the fa"
"Wasn't there another? And who's Hunterishere? Is he new? :/"
"Wait, what? ._."
"Selena: oh. And bye, see you soon hopefully."
"Sam: Thanks. You're her. . . Daughter, correct? She told me she had kids here. xD I can't remember all of them though. :i"
"Selena: Anastasia would do it. I believe she was the pastor at another wedding here. . . I think you'd make a good pastor. ^.^"
"Eh, by some people. Like I said it doesn't bother me too much. Yeah. I went to Maine. ^-^ How about you? Do you go anywhere?"
"I'd like to help plan. .3. I doubt you'd want me in your wedding and that's fine. Teresa said same. ._."
"Pretty good, kinda busy, hated here, but that's okay. ^-^"
"The maid of honor is the one who gives a toast to your marriage so you're probably going to want to choose someone close, yet good with spea..."
Swiftyfan's Recent Quiz Comments
"You are 100% percent of a Gaga genius
I'm sorry, but you must not know much about Gaga. consider looking up her lyrocs, they'll…"
1 -
"Your Result: You are definitely my type
You are definitely my type (well, according to this quiz ofcourse). You are the type i…"
1 -
"100% Wooooh! :D"
1 -
1 -
"@emo Just because you got a low score doesn't mean you have to swear. :'("
1 -
"I have to agree with Teresa. This quiz was very poorly made."