sweetbunny's Profile
Joined on Mar 8, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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9-Year Club
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sweetbunny's Recent Posts
"(\^.^ I'm on spring break and its sooooooo freaking boring"
"*giggles* thanks buuuut Ima go and finish this up I'll see you later!"
"My homework"
"Omg yesss!"
"Ugh I can't do this anymore"
"Oh okay"
"That's all messed up but how far into the book are you in?"
"Oh i with i coule do that i dont get home t'il l'le 5ish anne oh nice"
"I heard about that"
"Oh I understand Haii you two!"
"Yea It's kay"
"What's your favorite book"
"That sounds fun!!"
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