SWAGGIRL's Profile

Joined on Jun 8, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
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SWAGGIRL's Quizzes
- Dem Shout Outs #2[published: Jan 10, 2013, 10 comments]
Oh, hai. :3 I'm sure this quiz will be a waste of your time, especilly if you weren't mentioned. xD So like……
- Dem Shout Outs :D[published: Jan 05, 2013, 6 comments]
Well, this is my first GTQ Shout Out Quiz. I said how I feel about each person on GTQ that means the most to……
- How nice are you?[published: Jun 27, 2012, 21 comments]
I understand that not everyone can be nice but you should atleast try. People dont like people who are……
- mj mastermind! quiz[published: May 05, 2012, 7 comments]
how much do U know about the one and only MICHAEL JACKSON! ahh!arent u excited? but remember even if u arent……
SWAGGIRL's Recent Posts
"Daz so weirddddd ._. && I gtg. Goodnite. cx"
"Ona Sunday Doee?"
"He said "Waddup shorty" :P"
"Wyd Babeeee ? c:"
"Sexc Rite? :P"
"Wyd Thoooo ? c: Wyd Doeeee ? ;D"
SWAGGIRL's Recent Quiz Comments
"100% Duh, we're dating. xD"
1 -
"I got a guy named Ethan. xD But that's so me."
1 -
"xD I love yew, gurlie~ c:"
1 -
"Thank yew~ c:"
1 -
1 -
1 -
"Anthony is a jerk. :/"
1 -
"Good Quiz. x3"
1 -
"Gurl, you're funny.:3"
1 -
"I'm in there. :3"