sussy baka's Profile

sussy baka
Joined on Sep 4, 2021
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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sussy baka's Recent Posts
"I saw Pink in electrical this morning, glad to see she's alright. Though, she was looking at me kind of funny..."
"I have to remember to empty the garbages tomorrow"
"I'll call a meeting in the morning to talk to the others, but for all I know, you could be an imposter trying to trick me"
"That's ridiculous. Me and Pink go way back, there's no way she's an imposter. She just must've been extra busy with her tasks today"
"Thought I'd take a bit to relax before going to bed. I haven't seen Pink much today, I hope she's alright"
"I also hate it when I have two long tasks. I much prefer the short ones, like clearing the asteroid fields or fixing wires in electrical"
"Quizmaster12345 you have been ejected"
"MTMothkey you are imposter"
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