Surkiakia RB's Profile

Surkiakia RB
Joined on Oct 11, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Surkiakia RB's Quizzes
- what kind of number are you?[published: Oct 11, 2012]
there are many numbers out there! what kind of number are you? well take this qiuz and find out! it……
Surkiakia RB's Recent Posts
"g2g bye guys be on 2mara!!!"
"wow... i thought we where already rping.... lol :3"
"half breed? you think im a half breed? im not a half breed. i have feasted on humans before. but them i was saved from that world. and i am ..."
"*surkiakia stays with the princess and her guard* i like this place too. i will stay here with them. if you dont mind princess."
"i love zelda games. i love zelda games. i love zelda games. (i don't know why i am saying this.... i just am....)"
"blood is gone princess. i promise. :3"
"bye mike. :3 I"
"*stops spraying to see if blood was gone. but there was some on his face* hold your breath mike *sprays his face*"
"hey... i no intruder! i is good guy. i only drink animale blood. i would never harm a human. *still spraying down mike*"
"ok ill shall call you mike than :3"
"o... ya the sight of blood does make me a lil hungry but i can get rid of it!!!! *takes a hose and sprays down Zelda*"
"good boy Zelda. calm... think of lovely trees blowing in a calm wind..."
"*looks at absol* hi."
"*pats Zelda Fanatics head* good boy. no kill humans."
"*looks around and sees zelda fanatic covered in blood. walks over to him and swhips a finger full of blood off of him and puts in mouth*..."
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