suicide_anddrugs's Profile

Joined on Jun 4, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
suicide_anddrugs's Quizzes
- do you stalk me?[published: Jun 06, 2015, 2 comments]
I made this thing for no reason but hey if you are a stalker. Go for it. I really could care less if I'm……
- random crap about nothing[published: Jun 04, 2015]
More lyrics. Oh no the bottles low and I can't feel my face no more oh no we up in smoke and I can't……
suicide_anddrugs's Recent Posts
"*keeps head steady while it's being dyed* I won't look so it will be a surprise"
"Yeah... Don't make me regret it.. *looks at Sally* start whenever"
"(( not literally a bag full of just dye. Like a makeup bag of some sort that has multiple boxes of hair dye to use. So there are like differ..."
"*hands Sally a brush and bag of hair dye* wanna do my hair for me?"
"((Sounds good to me))"
"*raises eyebrows* like my hair?"
"*goes into room and closes door*"
"Here *brings Sally downstairs*"
"Pft kids.want happened to rebellion... Anyway so you want me to like play with this thing *holds up doll by its head*"
"*hold out a smoke* want one Sally"
"((Jk I meant downstairs pft rooms are overrated...))"
"Umm I'm horrible with kids but okay slendy. *walks to Sally's room*"
"(( yes.. we refer to them as poptarts or Jesus freaks... I have problems...)) *sees slender and walk up to him* hey hey slend"
"((I know right! Haha no jk. I like to think I'm cool. Then I realize... No...never gonna happen. YOU MAKE ME WANNA AROUND PUL"
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