Stolen's Profile

Joined on Nov 25, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Stolen's Recent Posts
"Lirara: OOPS. *stops* *blinks* ........Let's go, Stolen~ ^-^ Can do.. ^^'"
"Lirara: *panic yay~* *throws hands up toward Shadow* BURNING LIGHT. *scorching light appears in palms and burns finger"
"*glares at the floor* *blinks* Uh.. Lirara: *flinches at gunshot*"
"Why don't you read the thread? e-e Lirara: ......I'll refrain from saying that~ I don't know what to do, though... So.."
"Yes, that makes a tremendous amount of sense. Try to kill her and then worry about her. e-e Lirara: I really hate you like t"
"Whatever it is, you deserve it for attacking her ladyship. Lirara: -.- If you weren't such a bonehead, this wouldn't have ha"
"We'll use whatever site we want. e-e"
"*blinks* *sets Lirara down and walks over to Dark, hand drawn back* Lirara: Nonononononononononononono. The Trick Mir"
"*eyes flash red* *sprints around and grabs Lirara* *aims hand at Dark* Lirara: Er... I hope you can stop now, D"
"*holds hand hesitantly out toward Lirara* Now hold on, I can probably remember.. Lirara: *stands perfectly sti"
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