starristar's Profile

Joined on Apr 6, 2012
Status Level: Novice
starristar's Quizzes
- Would you rather?[published: May 19, 2012, 6 comments]
This is the ultimate 'Would you rather...' quiz. It is packed full of really fun and interesting questions and……
- Hannibal Quiz[published: May 16, 2012, 1 comment]
This is an ancient history test. It is all about Hannibal. It includes question like 'who is Hannibal', 'Who is……
- Unicorn Lover Quiz[published: May 12, 2012, 2 comments]
Unicorns are one of the best loved mythical and mystical creatures. Most people say they don't exist, that……
- Cute Doggy Love[published: May 01, 2012, 2 comments]
Dogs are all around us and they are weaved into our everyday lives. Even though there are many breeds of dogs in……
- What breed of dog are you 2[published: Apr 28, 2012, 1 comment]
This is my second quiz about what sort of dog breed you are. I have included some more unusaul……
- Hogwarts hate story[published: Apr 27, 2012]
Harry Potter is a really popular series of books. I can see why some people, okay, most people really like……
- The ultimate dog breeds quiz 2[published: Apr 26, 2012]
There are loads of cute dogs, funny dogs and sporty dogs out there. They all have their own……
- How much do you know about Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of th[published: Apr 25, 2012]
I was bored and I didn't know what sort of quiz to do so here……
- The ultimate dog breeds quiz[published: Apr 24, 2012, 1 comment]
Dogs are amazing creatures and feature in our lives a lot. There are literally hundreds of……
- The Enchanted Bus Stop[published: Apr 23, 2012, 4 comments]
There are loads of quiz stories on this website. Loads are fun, scary or weird. This one is very weird.……
- Are you a sheep mastermind?[published: Apr 22, 2012]
Sheep are great animals but are often misunderstood. Most people don't really know to much about……
- Do you hate Harry Potter?[published: Apr 20, 2012, 1 comment]
Harry Potter is a series of books about a wizard called Harry that goes to wizard school. This is a……
- What historical character are you?[published: Apr 18, 2012]
History i very long and there are many historical charaters out there. So much history, so……
- Which made up character are you?[published: Apr 10, 2012, 1 comment]
This quiz is all about imaginary characters. This quiz has all sorts of funny and fantastic……
- What breed of dog are you?[published: Apr 10, 2012]
There are lots of breeds of dog. They all have their different personalitys and charicteristics of……
- How Much Do You Hate Alvin And The Chipmunks?[published: Apr 09, 2012, 4 comments]
Have you ever heard of the film Alvin and the Chipmunks? Yes? This quiz has been……
- Which Spirit character are you?[published: Apr 08, 2012, 5 comments]
This quiz is about the film called Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron. Have you ever wondered what……
- What is your animal spirit?[published: Apr 08, 2012, 2 comments]
There are lots of animals in this world, and lots of people. So I have put together this quiz for……
- How much do you like food?[published: Apr 07, 2012, 4 comments]
This is a quiz all about food. you need to go through the questions and answer each of them……
- What type of schnauzer are you?[published: Apr 07, 2012, 1 comment]
Do you love dogs? Do you love shnauzer dogs in particular? Well, this is a quiz all about……
- How well do you know horses?[published: Apr 07, 2012]
Horses are brilliant animals and there is lots you have to know about them if you truly love them.……
- Exactly how evil are you?[published: Apr 07, 2012, 4 comments]
There are many people living in this world, all with different personalitys and different levels of……
- Are you strange or normal?[published: Apr 06, 2012, 4 comments]
This quiz is to find out wheather you are normal, normal-ish, boring or completely strange. so come……
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starristar's Recent Quiz Comments
"I didn't really get this quiz. I absaloutley love horses but I got 'you hate horses' :-("
1 -
"I would eat a pie full of dead and rotting fish. "
1 -
"I take ancient history...
You know 100% about HannibalThis is so good! You are an expert on Hannibal well done. This is so…"
1 -
"You are 92% dictator!
You are such a dictator! Because I am scared of you and your power, I commend you. Excellent job!…"
2 -
"I got fear of ghosts. That is so correct. I am petrified of ghosts in real life. "
1 -
"Brilliant quiz, 10/10! One question though, what is a cornea pony?"
1 -
"This was pretty accurate. 5/10."
1 -
"This doesn't really tell you who you will marry. 2/10."
1 -
"This was random but cool at the same time. 4/10"
1 -
"I am 80% horse crazy. I LOVE horses! I thought this was a really good quiz!"