SpringedTECH's Profile

Joined on Mar 31, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
SpringedTECH's Quizzes
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SpringedTECH's Recent Posts
"*glances up, raising an eyebrow, looking at Host* I'm flattered?"
"*sips coffee, looking at the dark brew for a moment* A job?"
"You can call me Spring, if you really need a title. *shrugs*"
"Boss Punisher."
"Blue Sweetart"
"*smirks* You caught me. But seriously, I have no idea what you two were talking about. I'm an Information Hunter, for the Hunter's As"
"*glances over, as always looks like she hasn't slept properly in years* Not exactly sure what you mean. What sides? There's a lot of "
"*at a table nearby, laptop out, sipping coffee quietly, eavesdropping because she has nothing better to do*"
"Get lost I don't need you. The association is nuts, sending me a kid."
"I can't f---ing leave my apartment I'll be murdered f--- man. [now seriously gtg]"
"[gtg dammit But when I get back I want Ilan and Cynos to fight Spring . SO BE PREPARED]"
"Beginning to think Ilan and Cynos dropped off the face of the earth. But that's f---ing illogical. I'm just not working hard enough. "
"Heph: I'd smack my kids if they shredded my books. Jeez."
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