SplashTiri's Profile

Joined on Feb 13, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
SplashTiri's Quizzes
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SplashTiri's Recent Posts
"Ok ok I thought you would get mad or offended"
"I like Mothwing!"
"Lol.. I’m obsessed with the series, it’s REALLY good"
"Oh my gosh! I didn’t mean to say ‘cool’ to that I’m so sorry your posts popped out of no where!"
"Oh that’s cool!"
"Sometimes I write about warrior cats 😅"
"Drawing, writing, and reading"
"Kind of... we own a ranch. So I have a lot of pets, but we have an Australian shepherd for all the sheep and a lot of cats for the barn :3"
"Ok. But let me know when you do want to talk :3"
"Dogs are some of the best pets 🥰"
"Tiri! We can talk about it if you want!"
"Good! How about yourself?"
"I seem to be yes!"
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