SpiceRoll's Profile

Joined on Sep 25, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
SpiceRoll's Quizzes
- Do you know me :0[published: Sep 25, 2021, 3 comments]
bghrj5u7645tgb mtj5u64ytbg ngmu56ytgb ngmjtuytgb nmjguyrthgfb vnhjtyrthgb vnghygb vngmjhgb nbhmjyhf ngjuthrbgf……
SpiceRoll's Recent Posts
"Trick or treat :DD"
"*shadoports out with June to the Stage* Theeeeere we go"
"Hello I am the son of Spice and Cinna :D"
"Which came first, me or earth? We know fire came before light because it is a source of light And when did wind, w"
"Nikki, you're not an element. We are talking about... my backstory. Which, I'm sorry, but you don't have a part in it"
"The light of day creates the shadows beyond the trees. Light was there before I was, was it not...? I wasn't your first immorta"
"No. No no no no no. As soon as you die I'm killing the others and killing myself and you won't be able to stop it."
"Oh, you won't forget anything. Just me. And the other elements."
"Wait. If I killed off all the elements including myself, to bring you back, as soon as you came back we would be as we were Before, correct?..."
"Listen. Or as close to. I could kill off two of the other elements. Light can reform just as easy as I can so that one works. But what other..."
"Cats: But... for as someone as powerful as you, it would have to be a soul for a soul. I would have to kill another of or close to your equa..."
"Cats: I can revive people tho remember"
"Cats: If I can reform why can't you? When my body dies the shadows are still there, and they are me, and I can easily construct a new embodi..."
"Cats: ...What?"
"Cats: FIRST LESSON SR, f--- means sex which means f--- :) b---- means female dog which means b---- s--- means poop w"
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