Soul Sister's Profile

Soul Sister
Joined on Dec 12, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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Soul Sister's Quizzes
- Let's play a guessing game![published: Dec 12, 2012, 2 comments]
Hey there! Yes, you! Wanna play a game? A guessing game. This is completely pointless in every way,……
Soul Sister's Recent Posts
"Oh look, I still remember this one too. ._. Pissed a bunch of peeps off. xP"
"Heph- "And I'm being ignored! -.-" Yet again, not everything is directed to you. Or anyone here at this second. "
"Heph- You seem to care a whole lot after no one else cares. Also you know, I have a reason to. e.e"
"Heph- But you still complain later anyways. Jill- What the hell difference does it make? It doesn't change my opinion of you "
"Jill- You think I care? Fuck you. I've heard much worse from you before. -.- Heph- Now who's jumping to conclusions? "
"My posts don't all refer to you. -.-"
"Really. You wonder why I know about you and yet think I'm stupid. Think about that. e.e I don't need to explain myself to a bunch of cliquey..."
"Honestly people, just think. e.e You may let everything you do wrong leave your mind, but not everyone is as forgetful."
""This is life." Thinking she knows everything. Where do you not follow?"
"Heph- Stating things make you feel that all your rights are gone and that all your feelings are shattered. Hmm, if I remember"
"e.e Because you're just the center of the universe."
"Ally? Ember?"
"Heph- If you can't take being disagreed with then maybe you're the one who shouldn't be involved. I'm being honest. Learn the"
"You're not. Type who your friends are/were. I'm sure some are still here."
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