Sorrow's Profile

Joined on Apr 29, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Sorrow's Recent Posts
"Thank you... ^-^ Tori: Thanks. /nibbles/ nomnomnom..."
"Tori; /sigh/ IGNORED AGAIN. /anger building up/ P-please... i-its fine..."
"I-It's like... your the homunculus... Tori: Well I'm not! Do you see this broken leg? -.- I... I didn't mean t"
"... Well... Tori: -.- /kicks with unbroken leg/ You didn't do anything except rock in the corner! ;~; I... I g"
"I'm being myself... which is Sorrow... duh..."
"/rocks back and forth in fetal position/ Tori: /sighs/ You always do this, Sorrow. ... Tori: He"
"O-Oh... I usually am... to some people... ._. Well... a lot... My life sucks."
"Oh... I'm sorry if I'm b-being a burden to you right now..."
"How has your day... been?"
"H-Hi Envy..."
"... And Envey's pretty cute... Tori: ._. /sigh/ Oh god, she's gone into little boy-land"
"W-Well... its hard not to... Tori: She has a crush on Ed. ;~; Shuddup!"
"Tori: x3 Niiice. ;~; /rocks back and forth in corner/"
"Tori: OH YUSS. FINALLY SOMEONE GOT IT RIGHT. You never asked anyone if they known you, except for Inn- Tori: S"
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