Soren's Profile
Joined on Nov 27, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
Soren's Quizzes
- How well do you know your birds[published: Nov 28, 2014]
you are wicked smart smart person hope you get a 100% Score Good bye and hope you enjoyed if……
- How Beanish are you[published: Nov 28, 2014, 7 comments]
Many smart people try this is how human are you Beans are People if your un beanish you hate……
- Which book of red tail hawk,falcon,or fox are you[published: Nov 28, 2014, 3 comments]
many smart people are good at quizs but many find that they could be red……
- which guardians of gahool owl are you[published: Nov 27, 2014]
Many people are smart but some are Smarter than smart they are quiz solving machine you……
Soren's Recent Posts
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Soren's Recent Quiz Comments
"what the crap type of quiz is this"
1 -
"49% in love"
1 -
"im super unbeanish!!"
1 -
"i got unbeanish"
1 -
"i got the same awnser
Not much like a human
or not a human at all"1 -
"a bean is a human you are super un beanish which means you are not much like a human"