Sophi's Profile
Joined on Dec 22, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Sophi's Quizzes
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Sophi's Recent Posts
"My laptop doesn't have that D:...Yet."
":P I didn't open my ones from my mom, dad, aunt Rebecca, uncle Chris, or my cousin Hailey yet."
"@Audree My parents wait til 10 to open presents...Sometimes. :P @Cherry ^.^ Merry Christmas to you to. :D"
"It's 7:40 a.m. D: Nobody else in my house is awake...I want to open the presents already! OwO"
Sophi's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got 76%. ~Saw that coming. :P"
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"I got Kathy and some other name. I have a popular name and it wasn't on there (mine is spelled a little different though). Well, I guess…"
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"Why are most people so freaked about the Super Natural? I know I'm being watched by a ghost. I even know his name, what he looks like and…"
1 reply1