Sockhat's Profile

Joined on Jul 4, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Sockhat's Quizzes
- ARE YOU AWESOME?![published: Jul 05, 2012, 6 comments]
Are you awesomely awesome? Do you deserve the title Awesome. Take this quiz to find out! ……
- What Color Represents You?[published: Jul 05, 2012, 5 comments]
I'm not good at the whole paragraph thing, so. What color represents you? ……
- Could You Be A Rockstar?[published: Jul 04, 2012, 2 comments]
I couldn't wait to make this quiz!! So um, here it is! Could you be a rockstar? Click here to find out!……
Sockhat's Recent Posts
"I gtg D:"
"go to the cookie shop :D"
"I shall keep posting on the thread."
"*dances around store*"
"Thanks! :D @mini"
"I will make another thread right away!"
"Okay @Tori"
"A customer!!! :D"
"I just sent out another advertising thread :D"
"Oh I forgot my name is back *goes back to advertising*"
"I can help out"
"Hm, wheres Iforgotmyname?"
Sockhat's Recent Quiz Comments
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"what a wonderful, fantastic, amazing, stupendeous idea!!! :D"
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"Rapunzel, Haha Rapunzel is actually my favorite disney princess! :D"
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"Your so nice!!"
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"*Happiness* I don't know why i call beanies sockhats i always have haha! Blue powdered monkeys is a lyric from march of the black queen-…"
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"Jasmine :D "
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"this was the awesomest quiz I've ever took"
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"Thrusday :D"