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Joined on Apr 12, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Snooki's Quizzes
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Snooki's Recent Quiz Comments
"Just a weird question for everybody....
Why is Monday so far from Friday.. but Friday's so near to Monday??"
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"Wtf!!? How does this make sense?? I hate Justin Bieber... i mean, two of his songs are good but i do not like him at all.. 9%?? Really??…"
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"I could be better than 56% but my parents... nope! It's never gonna change bro!!!! Lol"
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" Woah!! I might die because i'm trapped! This sucks! I have a ghost in my house... it might be my great grandma. SCARY!"
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"I got red! Awesome!!! But i was wishing for purple... nice quiz! (^="
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"wasnt he the one who sounded like a little girl? ewww"
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"i just took a dump on bob's face!!! UGHH!"
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"u got it all wrong... my results were... dark brown eyes...dark brown hair, and short.... actually, i have blue eyes, light brown hair and…"
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"Dude... this quiz is creepy!! Why would anyone ask these kind of questions? What i mean by creepy is the one where it said... '' Have you…"
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"It's really ticking me off because i am outside everyday... and my skin never gets any darker! I guess i'll be a white, pale, ghost lookin'…"