Skarlet's Profile

Joined on Aug 20, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Skarlet's Quizzes
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Skarlet's Recent Posts
"x.x Sadly I don't like bumping up threads. Would you like to meet your oldest Uncle? :P"
":P Well, you have allot of Aunt's and Uncle's."
"o: You're only 13? I don't feel so young anymore I'm like seventeen x.x It's horrible."
"x3 I'm a young Grandmother."
"Ooh, can I be your Mom? o:"
"Nighty night Ember ^-^ Thanks for killing me :3"
":I Good *Huggles Sub Zero #3* :3 I put numbers on allot people."
"Hmm...I'm kinda already in one wouldn't really matter if I'm like your daughter/mom/cousin would it?"
"Goodie ^-^ Do you like Chocolate? :3"
"@Danile ^-^ Good, now you're gonna stay alive forever, right? :3 @Sonic#4 *Huggles you* ^^"
"*Throws Chocolate at Sonic #4* :I @Danile 3: Because if you die then who will become my best friend?"
"*Comes back to life, hug tackles Danile* 3: No dieing for you."
":P Thanks"
"x.x Kill me now, I can't wait for natural causes."
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