Sk8terGirlXD's Profile
Joined on Dec 18, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Sk8terGirlXD's Quizzes
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Sk8terGirlXD's Recent Posts
"im not being ofencive i gust wana know . :)"
"the spell is Blood red, pale skin,moon light draw me in, quench my thirst, corsing veins, let my body feel no pain. im gust wondering all my..."
Sk8terGirlXD's Recent Quiz Comments
"hole s--- i got the un known. you know whats the kreepy part i see one gost in a lot of my picters the to gosts in that picter a nd the one…"
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"im a HAMSTER !!!!!that might de a good thing but im a girl :D love this quiz :)"
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"i like this quiz veary much :D i am emo so i give this puiz a 10 :D"
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"it sead i waz a kid mentaly ,but in act way older than my age 4 reals. im not saying its a bad quiz dut you might wana have a look at…"