Silver Kitsune's Profile
Silver Kitsune
Joined on Feb 19, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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Silver Kitsune's Recent Quiz Comments
"... I'm slightly creeped out, because even though I'm American, I got England. That's the thing. Most of my genes are from Europe. Mostly…"
1 -
"I am grinning like an idiot. Ever heard this verse in a song: '2 A.M. who do you love? I've wondered 'till I'm wide awake.'
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"Huh. I took this quiz based off what I knew about my friend, who was really depressed about being gay and was briefly suicidal until I…"
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""Braids, Braids, Braids!!" I do like braids, but I only water them to bed so I do t have to brush my hair in the morning. How is pony tail…"
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"I'm an author on FFN!! How did I not get higher than my 88 percent!! Then again, I've only known about the site for six months.... And no…"
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"Geez, I feel stalked. I AM pretty much invisible, do have very few friends, do secrets deeds, and have habits of brushing off praise to…"
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"But I destroy the biomes when I'm bored... Can I still do that if I got Steve? I love your quiz. I slapped a chicken, ate a goat, and…"