shinosgurl1996's Profile
Joined on Dec 8, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
shinosgurl1996's Quizzes
- who are you most like in my life[published: Apr 11, 2011, 6 comments]
this is for anyone who feels like taking this quiz i really don't care if you do mostly trying……
shinosgurl1996's Recent Posts
"The rp is Nexxus. I would love for anyone to join it."
"The year is 3026, earth is rapidly becoming more uninhabitable. 20 years ago the scientist of earth discovered a new planet that is able to ..."
"Okay. I'm gonna see what I can think up and I will make a new thread with the plot summary. Thank you for your help"
"What does it look like to start a plot? I think I understand how to set up a character sheet but I'm not sure how to set up a plot...."
"May I take the and option Alex? I'm not really sure how to start a plot thingy or a character sheet. I'm sorry katqueen"
"I'm trying to learn how to do a successful role play. And I was hoping someone could help me do one."
"That's cool. Thanks guys"
"If so someone wanna role play something with me? I'm trying to learn how to"
"Omg. Took one of the old quizzes I made. Gross."
"Are we speaking age or how long the account has existed?"
"God. This account is so old. I wanna cry that the other one f---ed up. :("
"So I am permanently locked out of PanPandemic so I guess I'll bring this one back into play"
"Just sayin'. Maybe the Homunculi need to lay low for a while. Father seems kinda pissed."
shinosgurl1996's Recent Quiz Comments
"thanks hat. thought you would"
1 -
"limp bizkit lol not wgat i was expecting"
1 -
"howd i get sixty i see u every day"