Shining Angel's Profile

Shining Angel
Joined on Mar 16, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Shining Angel's Quizzes
- How patient are you?[published: Mar 20, 2015, 1 comment]
There is only little population of this world that is patient. Are you one of them? That's good. Everyone……
Shining Angel's Recent Posts
"Everytime I completed the story, it always gone to nowhere. Now I have to write it over again. I lost my story more than 6 times."
"It is me. My username last word is Angel."
"Nat, I am here. I want to find Cheez too."
"Since The Theater and The Living Room are both about the almost-same topic - movies and films, it can be together in The Th..."
"I was. Good night. I have to make my homework now."
"I wish to see him standing on both of his feet, fully healty and ready to teach us again, with his usual soft smile drawed on his face...."
"I hope he will survive. I really do miss him now."
"I will try the prologue again."
"It may be called with The Observatory, it is about stars and constellation. Or The Laboratory, about biology, or animals and plants. Or The ..."
"The winner is Puppet master12 Congratulation. You have been granted with the title of Shining Idol. H"
"Sorry, I came late. The poll will be out in a few minutes. or more. I am busy right now."
"Because she is so annoying."
"I never watched the Hunger Games. But, when it went out, without knowing what I read, I read the story about it. I read it. I read the Hunge..."
Shining Angel's Recent Quiz Comments
"Cool! It is really easy for me. Thank you for making it so I can train myself."
1 -
"31% You managed to pick 31% right.31%
You did an OK job, though 31% isn't the best percentage. This was just a guessing game,…"
1 -
"Who are you really?
Your Result: Lost 91%You put on a happy face, you hide your feelings. You don't want to burden others…"
1 -
"It is true."
1 -
"Who are you really?
Your Result: Lost
 91%You put on a happy face, you hide your feelings. You don't want to…"
2 -
"Bottle caps. What is that?"
1 -
"It is right. I am pretty smart."
1 -
"What Girl Are U?
Your Result: Shy Girl
 80%You are a shy girl.You like to stay out of the crowd.You have 1-2…"
1 -
"What Name Do I Give You?
Your Result: Shae Balaveiw 76%Yo u are mean and silent, but on the inside all you want is friend.…"
1 -