Shigotsu Demon's Profile

Shigotsu Demon
Joined on Sep 14, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Shigotsu Demon's Quizzes
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Shigotsu Demon's Recent Posts
"q-q John- *flings bed across room* We don't even need the bed. eue Wow... You lost Dem kids."
"vnv John- *begins undressing in the room* Who's first? eue John, wtf man? John- Hehehe eue"
"VWV John- *begins looking everywhere, doesn't find you* Eh. The kids will do just as good. *takes the kids to the room and lo"
"X-X John- *chases you* I'M gonna TOUCH THE FUKK OUT OF YOU. >:D"
"O^O John- *pokes you* eue"
"OnO John- I did. I thought about 6 times in the bathroom. eue"
"OmO John- What about you? .3."
"O-o John- Owwy. ;-;"
"GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH John: *grabs Levi and pins him to the floor* You ready boy? JOHN! FUKK OFF OF HIM! J"
"THE TOPIC IS YOU THINKING OF A TOPIC I'm not gonna rape yall. That's johns job. John: I HEARD MEH NAME! Go away"
"NUUUOUOUOUOUOUOUOU! ;n; Kotana- Well she's right."
"What? You don't know? WHYYYYYYYYY?! HOW COULD YOU?! ;-; Kotana- Yo daddy. eue jkjk I'm yo best friend."
"Whatcha wanna talk about? Kotana- Hi."
"Yes. Topic change?"
Shigotsu Demon's Recent Quiz Comments
"This was the stupidest quiz i ever have taken.."