Sheriff Zilla's Profile

Sheriff Zilla
Joined on Jul 5, 2020
Status Level: Experienced
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Sheriff Zilla's Recent Posts
"Or so you believe. Any number of your subordinates can simply take the shadow throne, or even an outsider with enough pull. You can never kn..."
"Well, if your pulling yourself into the light, then doesn't that mean that someone is taking your place as the ruler in the shadows? That is..."
"Then why come out of the shadows to rule in the light? It changes things. Makes you a target for all those who wish to rule in your stead"
"Heph, democracy. I will not enforce a regime."
"We do not take bribes here."
"As the law enforcement of this here established province, I will not abide a dictatorship takeover"
"Nylith, Delpheon and Vaneer"
"My three dragons so far"
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