SheriffStilinski's Profile
Joined on Dec 27, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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"-leads the teenagers all the way to the holding room where Isaac is being kept- I'm going to tell you right now, if anything "
"Only if she was referring to her grammar in general would it be "I have typos.""
"^Wrong, Anri. She was referring to her previous post, therefore it would be "I had typos.""
"-blinks a few times- Well, you kids are his age. He hasn't said much since we've held him, anyway. I suppose it'll be "
"-tilts head in confusion- What kind of favor are you looking for?"
"-glances up from his work, coincidentally working on the case of Mr. Lahey- ..Stiles! ..Scott! Did something happen? Why are "
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