shaystar21's Profile
Joined on Feb 4, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
shaystar21's Quizzes
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shaystar21's Recent Quiz Comments
"Lightning mermaid, awesome"
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"I got Athena, I must be very smart :) (it's the third quiz with this result)"
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"Posiden, I'm not hateful but whatever."
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"Apollo is the god to truth and sun. Most gods and goddesses are siblings or cousins."
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"Undetermined isn't very helpful, but i know I'm Arthemis"
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"I got 38% and I'm not in high school so I don't mind, should I?"
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"Lucy Yay!"
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"I got EARTH faerie it's the BEST!! (:"
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"This is the 2nd quiz I've taken where I've gotten unicorn as the answer"
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"A mermaid awesome-but I've never tried coral. If you've tried coral tell me how it tastes (:"