Shattered_Heart's Profile

Joined on Aug 22, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Shattered_Heart's Quizzes
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Shattered_Heart's Recent Posts
"Obtained from Andi."
"Hahaha this is so funny"
"What the hell is a Konnichiwa"
"We should all crawl under a rock and get ran over a trillion times it wouldn't be as painful as a Shattered_Heart"
"It looks like a creepypasta~"
"Yeah I was trying to help someone and well the only way she could get the account was if I posted the password here but to be honest I don't..."
"I guess ill use this account when I'm sad/mad since Sades_Devil was taken /shrugs/"
"*stabs myself repeatedly* lalalalalalala"
"I'm bored and annoyed *shrugs and eats cheese*"
"Ashton! *hug tackles*"
"StalkerHunyIcedTeah Try that XD"
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