Shadow of Death's Profile

Shadow of Death
Joined on Nov 9, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Shadow of Death's Quizzes
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Shadow of Death's Recent Posts
"Thank you! Now, I have to go to school. Bye bye Darkle Sparkle"
"Take a photo I wanna see Shido, nice description"
"What's gonna happen?"
"WHAT EFFECTS? *fail*"
"... *confuzzled*"
"Wait, you want to see what happen to the moon?"
"Look up the side effects of the poison"
"I'll email you in a minute."
"Where do you live? Like land, continent?"
"The shadows are back O.o XD"
"It's okay. That was fun and confusing XD Nothing much. I just showered now I'm wrapped in a nice fuzzy blanket "
"He did a lot of things wrong but he did a lot of things right too. I wish he'd passed on his economical genius to Zuma here in South Africa"
"Us too. We spent a whole term just learning about him. But the teacher said the same thing over and over again, so we found a way to enterta..."
"Oh, you're the right Ruri XD It's DeathStar321. Long story short, my account was hacked."
Shadow of Death's Recent Quiz Comments
"18% Well, I did better than I thought"