Shadey1304's Profile

Joined on Aug 1, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Shadey1304's Quizzes
- The live of a Shadow part 2[published: Mar 08, 2011, 2 comments]
Read the last one.I LIKE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……
- The live of a Shadow part1[published: Mar 08, 2011, 1 comment]
'Sup!This quiz is to see who you fall in love with.You will be dragged into this awesome series!See……
- How well do u know the ONE the ONLY SHAEY1304?![published: Mar 08, 2011, 2 comments]
Sallo.I have many Many MANY friends in the world.BUT!Most of my friends don't……
- Do u have Gaaraphobia?[published: Mar 06, 2011, 2 comments]
Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage, and the younger brother of Temari and KankurÅ. Before Gaara's……
- r u as random as me?[published: Sep 28, 2010]
Hi people welcome to my AWESOME quiz!ok so just have as much fun as u can okay?See you at the end!Bye! See……
- Midnight love part 3[published: Aug 02, 2010, 2 comments]
HIIIIII! love!If you didn't take part 1 or part 2...GET OUT OF MY……
- Midnight love part 2[published: Aug 01, 2010, 7 comments]
Hi Agin!This is Midnight love sory part 2 You'll L.O.V.E.I.T.!Like in the last quiz...HELP ME MY BROTHERS……
- Midnight love part 1[published: Aug 01, 2010, 11 comments]
Hi!this is my fisrt quiz please let it make you hoppy(or happy)HELP A SISTER OUT MY BROTHERS AND……
Shadey1304's Recent Posts
"Gtg.I'll be on tomrrow.Bye heph!*Huggles*"
"Charmie popped her head out the bag and growled."Nice of you to join us."Natsumi pulled out Charmie. Jasper laughed."That wea"
"Ur not my mother.So u can't tell me wat to do.I'm sorry okay?!God."
"Jasper followed."Give'em up."He commanded. Natsumi stared."No way!Their my pokémon!!!!(X3)"She said taking a step back."
"See ya 2morrow!!!!!!!!XD"
"(Sure!Why not!X3) "Snipy(Sorry if i spelled it wrong.DX)."The pokémon said."S-Snipy?"Natsumi repeted."
"Aw....*Huggles*Byes Matsu!!!!!"
"Well i'm sorry 4 being awesome."
"Natsumi followed.Cuteie pie came with a pokéball.Natsumi opened it up."Ek!"Natsumi shreeked out the pokémon."
"♪Seven apples on da witch's tree!With seven seeds to plant inside of me!In spring time I grew a magic song!"
"Hee hee... ♪BOB THE BULIDER!!!!CAN WE FIX IT?!BOB THE BULIDER!!!!!!YES WE CAN!!!!!!!...♪"
""Cool."Natsumi watched.She threw up a pokéball.Out came a Growlithe."Cuteie pie.Seach.She commaned.Cuteie pie dash off."
"Ur hand will turn into acilod"
"Lmao.y were u looking that up?!"
Shadey1304's Recent Quiz Comments
"oh...thxs lol"
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"Yayz!Cuzz i kinda like u on the fourmz"
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"I got Vegeta!YEAH!!!!!!!!"
1 -
"Yes.Veve got bored."
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"Awesome quiz Vege!I got 30%.I thought i would get WAY more."
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"Cool im a wind wolf!Awesome quiz!"
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"i got the white queen.Nice pics by the way"
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"I got Toph!YAY!!!!!!Im not blind but im Toph is my FAV chrater in Avatar!"
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"I got yellow yep thatz how i feel right now happy!!!!!^_^"