ShadeWolf1244's Profile
Joined on Mar 15, 2010
Status Level: Junior
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ShadeWolf1244's Recent Quiz Comments
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"Darkrai is your fav pokemon of all time, isn't he? Speaking of the nightmare giving pokemon, I am sorry 2 break up the dialga pattern but I…"
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"I know theres no Maria, but I'm a girl, so I got Shadow and I think that counts for maria! so there! Meow!"
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"Dude...I luv oshawott! I evolved mine into dewott and kept him like that and now I have a Lv.96 Dewott and a Lv.96 Piplup. Also theres my…"
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"Mah name says it all... I like the way blackbear143 thinks! I'm not girly EITHER!!! YEAHHH!!!!! HAMSTERS!!! IDK why I wrote hamsters...…"
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"@ILoveShadow: Amen! meow!
Hey uh how do I get a song out of my head?
Shadow za best!"1 -
"I truly think dreams are important in our lives... sometimes...I dream of..bloodshed! I swear someone is murdering someone in my dreams!…"
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"Meow! Uh hey, does anyone have a dime I could burrow? I'm hungry.."
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