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Joined on Apr 30, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
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"Well, if your not from Texas it's hard to tell cuz you have the famous accent somewhere down in your family line. You and your family like…"
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"You talk alot. You dont eat. You laugh alot. You are never in the house. Your mum thinks shes still twenty one. You have money, clothes,…"
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"The song that best fits you is Sugar by Flo Rida. You are way to sweet sometimes and your super sensitive to people. You love animals…"
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"You are the girl people think about when they think of all those rumors that were started in high school. Be careful as you may not…"
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"Your Child`s name will be Alisha if a girl and James if a boy. You have a great personality and a love for amimals. Your a great person…"