SecretLie5's Profile

Joined on Jul 24, 2012
Status Level: Novice
SecretLie5's Quizzes
- Are we alike???[published: Aug 26, 2012, 6 comments]
Skip this. Skip this. Skip this. Ship this. Skip this. Skip this. Skip this. Skip this. Skip this. Skip this.……
- The Unnoticed pt.2[published: Aug 10, 2012, 3 comments]
Ok last time on the unnoticed you were a new student, made 4 friends, got kidnap and that's it..... If you……
- The Unnoticed pt.1[published: Aug 04, 2012, 4 comments]
OK this story is about a girl (you) and 5 people (2 girls and 3 boys)who are "special" and are protecting you……
- what color is more you or how you feel?[published: Jul 24, 2012, 4 comments]
Ok this quiz is to see if you act like a color. You can be energetic or calm, good or……
SecretLie5's Recent Posts
"Oh no you didn't! It's ok ^_^ its not bad poor. Plus its impossible to offend me"
"I'm spoiled too but we are poor :P"
"Kick (don't know you well, sorry)"
"Lol wow"
"Why are they in your room?"
"I'm in pain. I have to wait until Christmas to open my gifts. And they are in front of me ;-;"
"Love that I'm creative Hate they I have low confidence"
"Kick it to the street!"
"Lol, wait what OTHER words shouldn't be mentioned?"
"Aww poor old iPod"
"The bad age... Good luck"
SecretLie5's Recent Quiz Comments
"Nope J not D"
1 -
"I like it but I don't get 98% and higher all the time :p"
1 -
"Hey good luck on gtq, leave if anyone start a fight trust me."
1 -
"I got maybe..... True depending on who. If someone pay me to kill a person and they turn out to be the worlds greatest assassin than…"
1 -
"I need 15 more comments to continue"
1 -
"I loved it! Please continue!!!!!!"
1 -
"I loved it!
*re-reads* Noo! Arisha!..... Still good...."1 -
"Should be out by the 8 or 9"
1 -
"When part 3!!!!! I must read it!"
1 -
"Great letters I agree with you"