Scream's Profile

Joined on Jun 13, 2010
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Scream's Quizzes
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Scream's Recent Posts
"Hair:Black with red streaks Eyes:Hazel sometimes they look brown Skin:Pale."
"She's probably just busy with life.Or she could be having some connection problems with her internet.Those are reasons why I never come on."
"I am going to disapear now.Wait for it..wait for it NOW"
"Wait didnt see other peoples post,my bad."
"I feel like I'm chatting on a old thread...even though this is a new thread.... I know I'm weird lol."
"@TBK.Lol it is kinda funny.A ghost who created an account on a quizsite."
"It be weird if someone on here died but they were still posting O.o "
"I guess that makes me a loser."
"Oh yeah..I've heard of lolzer,poor girl :("
"Oh yeah i've seen haunting soul.I wonder what happend to that chic she was cool."
"ILM and Sick/Jade second I'd say Sassy Rocker And Punk King but they never come on."
"SERENA!!!! LoL my dad loves shouting my name at me ^-^ then I say WHHAAAATT!!! >:|"
"@LLLM and Sick.LOL I never had my account hacked though...."
"It works!! :D lol I just put the button back on lol.YAAAAY!"
Scream's Recent Quiz Comments
"64% XD I Tortured sick once in real life it was funny."
1 -
"i got 100%"