Scorpion MK's Profile

Scorpion MK
Joined on May 3, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Scorpion MK's Quizzes
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Scorpion MK's Recent Posts
"e.e What? K: .3. Aaannnndddd here we go again. @Zoey One moment please, I am connecting you to our supervisor"
"K: He even admitted he would. He just doesn't repeat himself .3. Would all of yous just shut up? I'm trying to focus. "
"K: I do not. Scorp would kill the Doctor if he got near me."
"K: I: And what if I do? Oh, right. My bad xP"
"I hate you."
"I think I'll just stay home."
"Good, just keep your buzz killed."
"How about never?"
"How do you know?"
"Yes. Here's something to keep in mind, don't piss her off.."
"True but I actually met her in real life and she almost broke my ribs..."
"I have one question: How much do you know about her?"
Scorpion MK's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got no. I hate Dark Angel's -_-"