scooter902's Profile
Joined on Mar 24, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
scooter902's Quizzes
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scooter902's Recent Posts
"it would have been cool if they had more then just disney characters. great game though. pretty good graphics great game good music and the ..."
"i went online and got stuck with an entire room of people who meowed."
"Ocarina of time is and always will be the best"
"I would rewrite it. I find it stupid that the good vampires win in the book. why couldnt james victoria and whatever the other ones name wa..."
scooter902's Recent Quiz Comments
"haha i was nothing like thalia or grover. i was Nico. always liked the dead"
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"im spring faveorite season"
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"You are very Flexible! People love being around you because if something goes wrong you easily adapt to a new plan! Your sometimes Sticky…"
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"75% You are: ?????75%
You are loved! Everybody wants to be around you. They just can't leave you alone. You are like a god/goddess…"
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"i got kathy, wow way off. first off im a man."
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"first of all whats anime, i was nothing at it. literally nothing in the bar haha. literature"
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"im gonna die saving someones life. sweet"
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"i think im only one who got D-Danger"
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"I was a bear. it describes me. I'm soft yet when i need to I'll stick up for myself or others. whoever made this quiz was real accurate…"