ScienceNerd19's Profile

Joined on Oct 30, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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"Correct me if I'm wrong, my memory is not the best, but the Puppetmaster episode is the one where Katara learns blood bending, right?"
"Meg- Ohh. Well that makes a big difference :P Ashley- you know I'm Cori, right? ;P lol I probably should go so"
"When is the homework due?"
"Redawn- Giving detention/ ISS/ OSS (depending how harsh the bullying is) if your caught by anyone bullying. Thats my idea."
"Meg- haha, well if it was me than I would ask him so that I don't get detention Ashley- nice dance moves"
"Why 'whoopee'? Do you not like your neighbor?"
"Then you should ask him if you can borrow his book to do the homework"
"Yea. Like, one time, my friends english teacher had a heart attack. Everyone was saying that he died. The next week, he was back in school a..."
"Oh, if it was only my brother I would do that. But not if my dad was there. Would not be a pretty sight Oh, well... Do you ta"
"I hate it when people start rumors from stuff like that"
"Haha, you should go right outside the door to the room he's in and be like "INTERUPTION" lol"
"Oh, that sucks. Hope she's alright"
"Oh. Well... Idk. Do you have the class before or after lunch?"
"My school already teaches us not to bully. But in my opinion, having assemblies about it and making us sit through it year after year isnt g..."
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