ScarletPassion's Profile

Joined on Jun 17, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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"Okay, well in the simplest blank way I can say it. It's just your attire, your attire is mellow and remorseful. I can't explain how it is, ..."
"You just are, it is is impossible to explain..."
"Oh hai, I didn't see you post, heh,"
"Well you are both very melo and remorseful."
"Just because, you have his personality."
"Thought so"
"Okay. Count to thirty and then post your identity, I will do the same."
"Ye, So what user are you?"
"That doesn't really matter."
"Oh, sitting here fighting painkillers to stay awake."
"Sooo.... whatcha doing?"
"Yea, te-he, the sound. Like a giggle sorta thing"
"Hello :-P"
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