Sapmap's Profile

Joined on Aug 17, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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"Hold on a damn minute."
"Quackity nodded, clinging to Sapnap and Karl. He took a shaky breath, whining. "Ye-yeah, that's true." He mumbled. Karl smiled."
"Quackity hiccuped again, trying to regain control. "O-okay. I just remembered everything so much more vividly." He whimpered, wiping his fac..."
"Quackity hiccuped, trying to smile back but he couldn't. "It didn't help that it was inside the palace." He started hyperventilating, start..."
"Quackity sniffled, trying to calm down. "You sure?" He asked weakly."
""That's not the biggest problem!" Quackity sobbed. "I was worried you'd be mad because I invited Dream without talking to you first!" "
"ADHD, Anxiety. Crippling depression, there is no question. You should kill me!"
""I went to Manberg." Quackity mumbled. "I invited Dream and George to the wedding. I- I can't shake off the bad memories though." "
""But I lied to you. I didn't come straight home. I didn't leave only to go to Las Nevadas." Quackity sobbed, covering his face. "
""I don't want you mad at me." Quackity whimpered. "You told me to come straight home. I didn't." He let out a sob, starting to shake. "
"Quackity shook his head. He was too scared to. Afraid of them being mad at him. "Nothing. I'm okay." He mumbled. Karl hugged Qu"
"Rawrr, rawrrr, grrr grrawrr"
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