sam678's Profile

Joined on Dec 2, 2011
Status Level: Novice
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sam678's Quizzes
- RANDOM QUIZ!!!![published: Apr 18, 2012, 6 comments]
there are many random people out there and some not so random people find out if how random are you by taking my……
- How Well Do You Know Family Guy?[published: Apr 16, 2012, 4 comments]
Family Guy is a funny tv show. Some people know a lot about Family Guy and some don't, find out……
- what simpson are you[published: Apr 11, 2012, 4 comments]
the simpsons live in Springfield,you don't but how about you bring them to you by taking my quiz.find out……
sam678's Recent Posts
"hi stranger sweet"
"0=l====== here's a sword"
"this may sound weird bbut wat age r u?"
"she's gone"
"oh,are u a boy or a girl?"
"so,why are u calling me a stalker"
"sam isnt my name its my dogs,i am a boy"
""eye go's all red" YOU B---- "falls down dead"
"how am i a stalker"
"i am random ( ._.)"
sam678's Recent Quiz Comments
"its ok"
1 -
"really cool quiz!!!"
1 -
"no i hate this quiz"
1 -
"f***in s***"
1 -
1 -
"i got 50% and i havn't seeen the movie or even read a book"
1 -
"yes i know its crap"
1 -
"is there going to be another one"
1 -
"i lived,i love these quizzes so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!"
1 -
"these quizes are really good!"