Sakata's Profile

Joined on May 21, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Sakata's Quizzes
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Sakata's Recent Posts
"Me:No we are coming too*drags Mafumafu* Mafumafu: O.O"
"*slaps Mafumafu* oopsies"
"I almost forgot, he will bully me. So I can't slap? @basil we are just having a weird utaite roleplay/convosation"
"now I am goign to slap Mafumafu>:)"
"morning I amnow Sakata!"
"Gotcha! You can call me Sakata,Mafu or Soraru. anyway, are you in school now or doing online lessons or am I the only one?"
"oh cool, I can be your friend if you want. I am fine thanks and glad to hear you're doing well. What do you want me to call you?"
"hello who are you? and how are you"
"oh thats funny did you get in trouble"
Sakata's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am a neko"