Sad_Kitten's Profile

Joined on Aug 24, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Sad_Kitten's Quizzes
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Sad_Kitten's Recent Posts
"I haven't felt like this in a while..."
"I'll be back later Gonna clean the house"
"Maybe I can fall asleep again"
"I just have to sit down and take some breaths. Everything will be fine"
"I want to be my own person And not have to worry about everything I do being copied by a jealous older sibling... We are BOTH ad"
"May end up cleaning the house and listening to music"
"Gonna use this account Mood isn't to good today"
"^^I agree with ya'll"
"I hope today is amazing for ya'll! Please have fun and be safe! Love you guys! ❤"
"Thank you ❤"
"I wrote a poem about love. What is love? Four letters written on a page, With blood-stained ink? A scream at "
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