Ruzova Limonada's Profile
Ruzova Limonada
Joined on Mar 26, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Ruzova Limonada's Recent Posts
"I'll have an Associate's Degree in Graphic design by the time I'm 19. .3."
"To get GED I just need to study, take a pre-test, and make sure I feel comfortable in my skills to take it. To get Driver's L"
"I get creeped out by crawly things. xD"
"Or I'll bite your hands and scratch out your eyes. >:3"
"Ooh, I'm interested. >:D"
"It wasn't you, but Google Trans. xDD Aw me too! ^_^ Of course I'll do Fault Line. It will be very fun to make. :3"
"Lanai, what soap would you like turned into a comic? :3"
"Correct Alana. ^^ I got this from a Czech App on my phone. I also looked up the Google Translate version to make sure it was "
"Yes, I am Ana. x3"
"Premyslim, jestli jsi v posteli jako vanek nebo jako tygr... Zavrc na mne."
"Poslouchej ma slova, slys muj pribeh."
"My username means 'Pink Lemonade' in Czech. I'll let you all guess who I am. Who's the one here obsessed with Czech stuff? :3"
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